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Library of Congress Surplus Books

The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library boasting a collection of more than 34.5 million books and printed materials among 838 miles of shelves that house just a portion of its vast collection. Among the Library’s many services offered to both Congress and the public, they offer a Surplus Books Program to provide books and other publications which are not needed for their own uses or are out of current circulation as donations to schools, libraries, and many other educational learning centers.

It is my pleasure to help qualifying organizations in East Tennessee acquire books and other donated reading materials from the Library of Congress to help address local needs and fill their shelves.

As we all know, learning and reading at all levels are crucial to our roles as educated citizens and to the success of future generations. With that in mind, I am glad to have a hand in bringing home educational materials from our Nation's Capital for this purpose.

Eligibility requirements include one of the following:

  • Full­time, tax­ supported or non-profit educational institution: school, school system, library, childcare or early learning center, college, university, or museum as a few examples.
  • Agency of local, state, or federal government.

To participate, please contact my Washington, DC office or send me an email that includes your qualifying organization’s name, contact information, and a description of current needs in the broadest terms possible. My office will then periodically check the surplus section in search of books in our best effort to assist you. We will be sure to keep you updated on our effort and any in-person deliveries or mailed shipments that will be headed your way!